Stop wasting your Shopify ad budget on bots.
Our advanced bot detection system filters out fake traffic, saving you 5%-15% on ad spend. Get more accurate conversion data and improve your ROI.
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Why Your Marketing Ads Aren't Performing as Expected?
Studies show that up to 5%-15% of online Ads traffic is fraudulent by …Bot,VPN,Proxy, Click Firm, ). Wasted ad spending, inaccurate data, and reports you believe are accurate turn into big wrong marketing decisions.
Eliminate up to 15% of fake ads traffic.
Get a clear picture of your true conversion rates.
Make smarter marketing decisions based on accurate data.
Save hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on wasted ad spend.
Our Solution
After detecting a bot, we first show CAPTCHA for organic visits. If the visit comes from any advertising source, we block it instantly. We report to advertiser platform that visitor's IP for future visits, and we generate a comprehensive fraud click report. This allows you to claim refunds with proof of fraudulent clicks.
Ads Reporting
Once we detect all the bots, we filter out the fraudulent data from the original data provided by ad platforms. We deliver a simple reporting dashboard where you can view an overview of multichannel ad data in one place. You can create widgets as needed to make informed marketing decisions.